Learn How Human Design and Shamanism
Can Light Up Your Path and Your Mission

Journey with us to the Akashic Records and Claim Gifts from Your Soul
to Help You Navigate These Unsettling Times During Our Evolutionary Shift


With every passing day the global pandemic, climate disruptions, and human upheaval generate feelings of confusion, fear, and  uncertainty. None of us have experienced these sorts of seismic disturbances in our lifetimes. For many, it is very disorienting and disappointing; for some, terrifying and utterly devastating.


But if we see this period of seeming breakdown of our reality as a unique opportunity to embark on a personal spiritual journey, we can turn the uncertainty into breakthroughs and transformation as we embody love in the face of fear and focus on what matters in the big picture – our Soul’s growth and the evolution of Humanity.


There is a great need right NOW for those of us who have been walking a spiritual path to:


   :: step up our awareness 

   :: align with our Soul’s Mission

   :: deepen our spiritual practice


so we can serve as powerful beacons of light and love, because only the energy of LOVE can dissolve fear and give us clear direction in these turbulent times.


Supported by the two "ancient" systems of Shamanism and Human Design, you can go beyond your limited “self” and harness the greater life forces of the Universe for both personal and collective benefit.

Your Hosts


Evelyn Levenson is a certified Human Design specialist with over 10 years of experience who has given hundreds of basic and specialty Human Design Readings. She focuses on empowering her clients and students to know themselves, love themselves, and thrive as the full expression of Who They Are.


Alana Blusol is a practitioner of shamanic and vibrational healing arts. She assists those who have experienced severe trauma and loss to reconnect with their infinite Soul, transform their pain into the source of tremendous power, and remember themselves as the magnificent, unique expressions of the Divine that they are.


This Unique Combination


During this webinar, Evelyn will give a live demonstration of her specialty Human Design reading called the Life Path and Soul Mission Reading... using the chart and life of our beloved John Lennon (who would have turned 80 on his birthday, October 9). 


Alana will open the Akashic Records and take the group on a meditation journey to receive 4 important Gifts from their Soul.


Human Design is a tool for personality assessment as well as personal growth and self-empowerment. It offers practical solutions for living the highest expression of YOU with the least amount of confusion, frustration and anger.


Human Design provides a blueprint of the unique personality traits and potentials that you were born with. You will (finally) understand exactly how you are “wired” energetically and how you can most effectively interact with the world around you.


Shamanism is the oldest form of healing and the original holistic medicine. It addresses mind, body, and soul while integrating community, environment, and the collective good. It honors spiritual growth and works to facilitate the shift towards a mature, conscious human society.


Our Intention


By bringing these two modalities together, it is our intent to empower you to embody your Human Design, deepen your connection to spirit, and reboot your life to be in greater alignment with your true purpose during this Shift of the Ages. These will help you successfully navigate the current challenges, be on your path to fulfilling your Soul's Mission, and lead with love, clarity, and compassion.

Join us to...

Awaken and Align to Your Soul’s Mission


Register now for REPLAY 

of this exclusive event


  • Join our exploration of Shamanism and Human Design and how they complement each other
  • Learn the mystery behind the Akashic Records, also known as The Book of Life, Hall of Records, and The Universal Mind
  • Realize how your Soul’s mission on Earth is encoded in your Human Design
  • Discover how clearing your Soul Contracts will lighten up your karmic baggage and light up your Life Path
  • Witness a live demo of the advanced “Life Path and Soul Mission” Human Design reading, using John Lennon's chart!
  • Embark on a guided meditation to the Akashic Records to claim the gifts of your Soul

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